Operating Agreement

Operating Agreement of [Name of LLC] LLC

This Operating Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of [Date], by and among the members listed at the end of this document ("Members"). [Name of LLC] LLC, a [State] Limited Liability Company (the "Company"), operates pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement and the laws of the State of [State].

Article I: Formation 1.1 Formation: This LLC was formed as a Limited Liability Company pursuant to state law on [Date of Formation]. 1.2 Name: The name of the LLC is [Name of LLC] LLC. 1.3 Principal Office: The principal office of the Company shall be located at [Address], or such other place as the Members may from time to time designate.

Article II: Purpose 2.1 Purpose: The purpose of this LLC is to own and operate a residential retreat center providing coliving spaces with fractional ownership. The LLC may engage in any lawful activity for which LLCs may be formed under [State] law.

Article III: Membership 3.1 Admission of Members: Membership shall be open to any person who subscribes to the purpose and goals of the LLC and agrees to abide by this Operating Agreement and other policies as set forth by the Members. 3.2 Capital Contributions: Each Member shall contribute an amount as detailed in Schedule A attached hereto, to acquire a membership interest in the Company. 3.3 Voting Rights: Each Member shall have one vote in all matters requiring a vote of the Members. 3.4 Withdrawal/Exit of Members: Members may withdraw from the LLC pursuant to the terms set forth in Article VIII of this Agreement.

Article IV: Management 4.1 Management by Members: The Company shall be managed by the Members. 4.2 Officers: The Members may elect or appoint Officers as deemed necessary for the operation of the Company, including but not limited to a President, Secretary, and Treasurer. 4.3 Meetings: Annual meetings of the Members shall be held at a time and place set by the Members, with additional meetings as needed.

Article V: Distributions 5.1 Profit and Loss: Profits and losses shall be allocated to the Members annually in proportion to their respective percentage of ownership interests as outlined in Schedule B attached hereto. 5.2 Distributions: Distributions of available cash shall be made at such times and in such amounts as determined by the Members in their sole discretion.

Article VI: Transfers of Membership Interests 6.1 Restrictions on Transfer: Membership interests in the Company are not transferable except with the unanimous consent of all Members or as otherwise provided in this Agreement.

Article VII: Dissolution and Liquidation 7.1 Dissolution: The Company may be dissolved upon the unanimous vote of all Members. 7.2 Liquidation: Upon dissolution, the assets of the Company shall be liquidated, all liabilities and obligations shall be paid, and any remaining assets shall be distributed among the Members according to their respective ownership interests.

Article VIII: Miscellaneous 8.1 Amendments: This Agreement may be amended only by a unanimous vote of all Members. 8.2 Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of [State].

Signatures [Signatures of all Members, each accompanied by printed names, addresses, and date of signing]


Schedule A: Member Contributions Schedule B: Allocation of Profits and Losses